PEOPLE(1) Buildtool Distribution Information PEOPLE(1) NNAAMMEE PPEEOOPPLLEE - Buildtool authors and contributors AAUUTTHHOORRSS Julio M. Merino Vidal Main developer, website maintainer and NetBSD packager. Everything ;-) CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTOORRSS The following table contains an exhaustive list of contributors with a small description of what they have done for the project. More informa- tion can be found in the CVS commit messages related to their work (if applicable). If you feel you should be in this list, please contact one of the authors listed above. Jos Backus FreeBSD package maintainer. Pascal Bleser Initial RPM specification file with support for SuSE Linux. Also builds binary packages for this system reg- ulary. Doug Henry Portability fixes to Solaris and IRIX. Added support for RedHat Linux to the RPM specification file. Juan J. Martinez Initial pthread.subr module. NetBSD 2.0 June 13, 2003 NetBSD 2.0